Our Student Members
Make A Difference!
We all see the problems of the world. Are you solving them, or griping about them? If you want to make a REAL difference, now is your chance to join the solution!
JCYF students become a vital part of Josephine County Foundation’s mission: A student-led non-profit that inspires, engages, and strengthens the community through innovative leadership and service.
JCYF students take on JCF’s vision: To transform Josephine County into a vibrant community in which every individual has the opportunity to be healthy, educated, and prosperous.
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others, your community, and yourself? If you do, access the JCYF Membership Form below and forever change your life for the better!
Our Student Officers
Becoming a member of JCYF (Josephine County Youth Foundation) is rewarding in ways that will forever guide students towards making a positive difference in the lives of others, as well as in their own lives!
JCYF is a conduit for meeting new people, making connections, creating lifelong friendships, developing leadership skills, and playing a vital role in strengthening our community!
Become A Member
JCYF students get to use their energy and creativity to improve the social and economic wellbeing of Josephine County. Working with local leaders, students identify community needs and perform service projects to address those needs.
JCYF students learn valuable leadership and teamwork skills by managing their service projects, operating a non-profit business, and raising funds for their projects. Through JCF, students are becoming an experienced generation of philanthropists with a lifelong commitment to the community.