Pay It Forward
IHelping Members of the Community!
JCF is funded through fundraising, grants, and donations. Meeting the lifestyles of many teens, this 24-hour fun-raiser brings fun and excitement to fundraising. Starting at 3pm on a Friday and ending 24 hours later, the youth of JCYF pull all-nighters to raise money for vital programs such as the following:
- Campus Closet, Student Enrichment Program, Pink Week, Vision Clinics, and so much more!
To pass their time, JCYF students play games, expectantly waiting for their next customer and the donation that will change the life of a person.
Students Camp Out
Over a dozen students participate in this annual “Pay it Forward” fun-raiser. Students camp out in various parking lots, such as outside Planet Fitness and outside People’s Bank of Commerce, for 24 hours. A variety of donations are received from the hearts of the community:
- clothing;
- hygiene supplies and towels;
- bowls and utensils;
- non-perishable food items;
- flashlights;
- cash.
Helping Homeless Teenagers
Students usually raise about $3,500. They are extremely grateful for all donations, knowing that every penny goes to helping members of the community, especially homeless teenagers!
Teenagers that don’t have the luxury of coming home to enough food in their cupboards, clothes in their closet, and other items that most of us take for granted, benefit from being able to shop in the Campus Closet for free. At the same time, this money has also provided backpacks full of school supplies, providing homeless teens with the necessary tools for student success.