Student Enrichment

Giving Back to the Teachers

Providing Teachers and School the tools they need for Better Education!

How Much Money?

For ten years, the Josephine County Foundation has invested $256,641 since the start of the program in 2014. The first year had a total of $11,000 and over the past five alone, JCF has handed out a minimum of $25,000 per year. A total of 204 teacher grants have been awarded at 33 different schools.

What is Student Enrichment?

The idea is to give teachers the opportunity to apply for funds that they see their students would benefit from and give a special opportunity to the teachers to get out of the traditional ways of learning in their classrooms.

Who knows what excites and motivates students to stay in school more than students themselves? The Enrichment Program increases students’ interest in school by providing a wider array of education opportunities including: field trips, guest speakers, classroom supplies, and equipment for special projects such as music and vocational programs.

The Student Enrichment Program provides students with a broad exposure to areas that might spark a passion for learning or going into a particular field. The feedback has been incredible and only encourages JCF student members to keep serving our community! The deadline to apply is September 30, 2024.

Teacher Grants born in 2014

In 2014, the first year of the Student Enrichment Program, JCF handed out $11,000 to Josephine county’s schools with the intent of an annual program. JCF continued their program and also improved it by funding $13,000 in 2015. Grants each year going towards activities such as a classroom set of graphing calculators, welding helmets, weight equipment, iPads and more. This brings the total amount of money granted well over $100,000!

2022 Student Enrichment Program

Coming in August of 2022, the Josephine County Foundation will be continuing its annual Student Enrichment Program. The idea is to give teachers the opportunity to apply for funds that they see to Reconnect Students Back to School. The deadline to apply is September 30,2022.

Example of JCF GRANT: College and Career Fair

“Due to COVID 19, we are not able to host the 12th annual Josephine County College and Career Day. We have traditionally been able to host over 100 vendors and over 2000 students from every school in Josephine County at the event on the GPHS campus. Instead of completely dropping this event, we are looking to host an online Career Fair event in conjunction with Worksource Rogue Valley, who has traditionally hosted the Careers In Gear event so that all high school students in Southern Oregon can be reached through the same online career fair event.

example of jcf grant: Have It At Home

During this time of COVID-19, students have had to work from home, and make do with supplies they have on hand. As we have continued to work with our families, it has become very apparent that they do not have access to the needed materials usually found at a school. This includes math manipulatives, art supplies and assigned novels. Through the combination of hands on manipulatives, assigned group novels and art supplies, our students will be able to become more immersed in their learning and expression of what they have learned.

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