Disability Awareness Week

Listen. Educate. Appreciate. Respect. Notice.

Project learn: A Week of awareness

What Is Project LEARN?

Listen. Educate. Appreciate. Respect. Notice. These were a few of the concepts the team hoped to bring to Project LEARN. The Josephine County Foundation wanted students to Listen and share their new understanding of disabled individuals.

JCF aspired to Educate their peers about the daily challenges of being disabled. They wanted students to Appreciate everyone and themselves. Students were encouraged to Respect others, so they in turn can be respected. Fundamentally, the team wanted students to truly Notice what is going on around them.

Who Did We Partner With?

The main partnership was with a local advocacy group for handicapped citizens, Handicap Awareness and Support League (HASL). The secondary partner was the Rogue Valley Scorpions, a professional wheelchair basketball team. The purpose of the partnerships was to raise awareness, educate high
school students about the challenges facing disabled individuals, and create a more disability friendly community.

JCF Project Leaders

Kali Henderson and Averie Richter

Definition of Being Disabled

A report released by the U.S. Census Bureau states that 56.8 million people or one in five Americans meet the definition of disabled; one in ten have severe disabilities as to markedly impact their quality of life. The definition of disabled is as follows: a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Surprisingly, average teenagers and most adults go about their everyday lives oblivious to those who live with a handicap. They do not take the time to consider what extra challenges many people must face as a result of this.

“The disabled go through many more challenges than I. Stress is incorporated with struggle when disabled. I feel that recognition of the disabled is the least we can do.” –Rilynn Hansen HVHS Student

Location of disability weeks

  • Hidden Valley High
  • Illinois Valley High
  • North Valley High
  • more to come soon

We are a mission to reach all high schools and middles in the area with amazing program that teaches the students the basic concepts of Disabilities and Disability Week.

Learning is the key

Learning Disabilities Awareness Week is a time where students pay particular attention to other children and adults with learning disabilities. During this week, we asked students to learn something new and teach one other person something new about learning disabilities.

Disability Awareness means educating people regarding disabilities and giving people the knowledge required to carry out a job or task thus separating good practice from poor.

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