Current JCYF Projects

About Our Present
JCYF Programs

every project makes a difference in our county

Working with local leaders, students identify community needs and perform several service projects each year to address those needs. The projects fall into four strategic areas: health, education, public safety, and leadership. The projects are aimed at improving high school graduation rates and at transforming Josephine County into a vibrant community in which every individual has the opportunity to be healthy, educated, and prosperous.

Vision Clinic

The students of JCYF had a “clear vision” of how they could meet the needs of those unable to afford vision care in their community – provide a free annual Vision Clinic! Since 2012, about 150 patients each year have received a free eye exam and new eyeglasses, along with being screened for pre-existing conditions and diseases. During one Clinic, students were deeply moved to see the joyful tears of one grandma, Gloria, as she put on her first pair of glasses and could see her granddaughter for the first time.

Student Enrichment

Seeing the necessity of funding for schools in the community, students of JCYF found a way to help support teachers – teacher grants! In 2014, 11 grants totaling $11,000 were awarded to teachers in the Grants Pass and Three Rivers school districts. This has steadily increased to 27 grants totaling $35,354 being given out in 2024 to teachers in Grants Pass, Three Rivers, and Rogue River school districts – equaling over $291,000 granted through the Student Enrichment Program!

 Day of Caring

This day is set aside each spring around Earth Day to give back to our local schools and community. The energy put into this project is a reflection of the hard work that JCYF students put into community service projects! These projects range from cleaning up trash, weeding flowers beds, spreading bark, repairing bleachers and clearing trails for student use. This project began in 2023 at Hidden Valley High School and has grown to inculde surrounding schools and local road ways. We will continue to make this a bigger and better project for years to come. Over 400 students and multiple community partners come together to make this day possible!

Campus Closet

Almost 30% of children in Josephine County live below the poverty line, one of the key factors leading to lower graduation rates. With the goal of increasing graduation rates and providing basic health and other services to those living in poverty, JCYF students created Campus Closets. These small boutiques provide students with clothing, shoes, school supplies, personal hygiene items, and so much more! Students are even provided access to washing machines and dryers.

Every 15 Minutes

Not only do the students of JCYF want to support the community, they want to bring new experiences to the classroom by educating youth about the hazards of drinking and driving. This program originates from the 1990’s data highlighting that every 15 minutes someone in the United States dies in an alcohol-related traffic accident. This two-day program creates a simulation emphasizing the effects of drinking and driving, challenging students to think critically about personal safety and mature decision making.

Random Acts Of Kindness

As Kevin Heath once said, “Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” This is a new program to JCYF, knowing that random acts of kindness have a ripple effect that reaches far beyond the community! Keep an eye out for more opportunities in this program.

Pink Week

About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime, leaving a ripple effect in the lives of many. The purpose of Pink Week is to raise awareness throughout Josephine County’s high schools about breast cancer. The concept originated at North Valley High School in 2014 and has grown to include Hidden Valley, Illinois Valley, and New Hope. Student efforts to raise money and awareness support the fight against breast cancer!

Weekend Food

Poverty and COVID-19 have left people needing basic necessities – one of these necessities being food. The students of JCYF have tirelessly participated in making sure families have access to nutritious, fresh food. Meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and other fresh foods have been delivered to those families in need.

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