Averie Richter, HVHS, November Student of the Month

This month’s JCF student of the month is Averie Richter! Averie is a junior at Hidden Valley High School and JCF’s VP of Donor Relations.

Averie is being recognized for her incredible accomplishments in JCF, including her current leadership role in the community service project, Project H.A.L.T (Helping All Local Teens). Project H.A.L.T is JCF’s anti-bullying campaign that was organized by Averie, and her partners Garret Marcoulier and Sayge Periera. The project was kicked off with a 103-mile relay run from high school to high school in Josephine County and Rogue River in Jackson County. Over 80 students and faculty members participated in the run to raise awareness of bullying! Project H.A.L.T’s relay run was in mid- October and the project will continue throughout the rest of the year with guest speakers and lesson plans for students.

In addition to planning Project H.A.L.T this year, Averie has been the lead on another major project, Project LEARN. In 2016 Project LEARN was created by Averie and Kali Henderson, JCF graduate. Project LEARN was JCF’s disability awareness project with the goal of spreading awareness about the challenges disabled individuals face on a daily basis. Project LEARN gave students the ability to experience what it is like to live with a disability.

“Change starts with me because I am taking the next step, and most teenagers my age aren’t doing that. By taking this next step, I am going to be making the world a better place.” ~Averie Richter

Averie is always willing to step up and volunteer when needed. She has participated in vision clinics, the 24 hour fundraiser, and much more!

After high school, Averie plans to go to college. She will be  taking her passion for helping and serving others and pursuing a profession in the medical field.